Wednesday, February 25, 2009

benjaminho's burtday cuming adi..
his my mamieeeee....
we're gonna buy him sumthin..
shhhh.. its a suprise.. dun tell him kae..???
Peaka boooo000000....
i'm lifeless la...
coz my friends dont care bout me
this word doent's exist in my life..
i dont own it...
it doen's belong to me..
i will never know the feeling being lover or cared...

I Just Wanna ...

I just wanna ...
always be with you
hug you
tell you that i LOVE you
know that you will care & LOVE me..
i know that just won't happen...

kyeann [lovez]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Very long dint update my blog adi....
Today is REGINA's BIRHTDAY....[wooo-hooo]
i bought a present for her..[Hope that she will like it]
And... yesterday was my dad's birthday.. we actually wanted to make a suprised party.. but it dint work out.. coz my dad know all the planning already... [don know how he knows]

thats all la..
nothing much to say ..


Daddy's Birthday

Friday, February 13, 2009

我 与 他 的 故 事

也 许 ,
我 和 你 就 像 天 上 的 星 星 ,
一 颗 位 于 南 方 , 一 个 位 于 北 方 ,
永 远 都 没 有 相 遇 , 相 爱 和 相 恋 的 一 天 ;
也 许 ,
我 只 是 平 凡 的 我 ,
而 你 却 像 颗闪 的 星 星 ,
让 我 没 有 办 法 把 耀 眼 的 你 给 占 为 己 有 ;
也 许 ,
我 只 是 一 个 丑 Y头 ;
也 许 ,
你 就 像 王 子 般 地 完 美 , 我 却 只 是 个 不 完 美 的 灰 姑 娘 ,
奇 迹 不 会 降 落 , 王 子 自 会 等 待 适 合 自 己 的 公 主 , 根 本 不 会 理 会 和 爱 上灰 姑 娘 ;
毕竟 , 这一 切 只 属 于 童 话 世 界 , 从 来 不 曾 出 现 与 现 实 生 活 中 , 故 事 的 男 主 角 一 定是你 , 但女主角 却 不 会 是 我 , 我 永 远 都 自 是 个 小 小 的 配 角 , 毫 不 起 眼 , 不 会 有 人 想 多 看 一 眼 ;
也 许 ,
你 的 女 主 角 会 一 直 不 停 地 改 变 , 但 无 论 如 何 都 不 会 轮 到 我 ,
你 冷 酷 的 表 情 , 把 我 的 心 无 数 次 的 冷 冻 了 ,
但 又 好 几 回 因 为 你 的 微 笑 而 融 化 了 ,
喜 欢 你 的 笑 容 , 却 无 法 正 视 你 的 双 眼 ;
当 我 无 意 间发 现 你 注 视 着 我 的 方 向 时 , 在 那 和 你 四 目 交 接 的 那 一 瞬 间 , 我 的 心 停 顿 了 , 但 脑 海 却 又 迅 速 地 浮 现 那 些 他 不 是 在 看 你 , 你 想 太 多 了 , 根 本 不 可 能 , 你 凭 什 么 ?
或 许 , 我 怕 希 望 太 大 , 失 望 越 大
或 许 , 我 怕 事 情 不 会 像 我 想 像 那 样 ;
或 许 我 怕 会 陷 的 太 深 , 到 时 候 就 更 无 法 自 拔 了
或 许 , 我 只 是 想 对 你 说 我 爱 你 ....

From kyeann[lovez]

today is valentines but its also the larian fourian for our skul[marathon run]. i won the 8th place in my class3[form 1 and form2] damn happy .Btw BENDAHARA rocks......

Erm, its also my cousin's birthday today, so gonna celebrate with him today.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I feel really regret now,
On the day we fought,
I had to say that word.
Because of my pride,
I thought you will come back
I thought you will find me
I thought u treated you nicely,
So i take it easily,
Now i know i became tired,
Because of my stubbornness,
'Leys Break Up'.
No, thats not true,
You still don't understand me?
I want you back
Please accept my apology,
I just want you

From Gemala[ lovez]

All That Matter Was Him

I normally observe him from a distance, I never really dare to take that one step-the one that would take me a litter deeper into knowing him. When he was antwhere near me,my heart would bear furiously, my friends around me-would dissolve.

All That Matter Was Him

If he was talking to me, i would play it cool, act like nothing about himwas affecting me. I would laught at his jokes-they were genuinely funny. But the laughter, him making me laught takes tones of weight off my shoulder.THe worries of the world? What's that?

Froma distance, i watch him walking with his classmate-one of my best friends,his fellow BOD member.They're laughing together. I feel a slight twinge of jelousy.I wish i could walk around with him without making myself act like an idiot.

He and i are friends, but i have a fondness for him that is beyond a converational friendship. I don't think anyone knows that i like him, or even notice it. I just need to keep my head low-don't be too obvios. My friends can be quite oblivios. I hope that they stay that way.

But of course, i was very wrong.

It happend in class, my classmate made an offhand remark, a guess from a sort of game. Before i knew it, blood rushed to my face.I had given myself away.

I was actually squite surprised to hear that he also liked me! I neven expected that. He found out about me- what about the others? How would they react? Maybe they still don't know.

From Gemala edisi ke-17 subang utama[lovez]

When I Feel In LOVE

When i feel in love with you
That very day, i knew it was true
The LOVE i found in you
I knew i never wanted to lose

You mean dar more than any words could say,
I wish i knew exactly why i feel this way,
My LOVE for you grows stronger each day
I hate the times when you are away
When we talk, i hate to say'Goodbye'

I would do anything for you to show you,
My LOVE for you is true,
I feel luck to have someone like you,
My LOVE for you will never die,
This i know is true.
Because my place in life is right beside you.

From:Gemala edisi ke 17 Subang Utama[lovez]

Guardian Angel

A Guardian Angel
Flew down from above
To teach me a lesson
About the powers of LOVE

She takes a hold of my hand
And whispers to me
'there are so many things
i wish you to understand

About the powers of LOVE
And all it can do
To someone who needs
To share it with you

A pat on the back
A kind smile on your face
Can make someone's life
A mich brighter place

It doesn't take much
To show someone you care
To give them the LOVE
God gave you to share

So,please keep in mind
All the powers you possess
To grace someone's life
When they're in distress

You've been put on this earth
To bestow the powers of LOVE"
And with those final words
She disappeared up above.

From Gemala edisi ke-17 subang utama[lovez]

From kyeann[lovez]

Monday, February 9, 2009


♂放棄一個很愛你の人 並不痛苦♀

♂放棄一個你很愛の人 那才痛苦♀

♂愛上一個不愛你の人 那是更痛苦♀ ♀逃避 不一定躲得過♂

♂面對 不一定最難過♀

♀孤單 不一定不快樂♂♂得到 不一定能長久♀

♀失去 不一定不再擁有♂


ღ無論何時何地 當看不到她/她の時候會想念她/他ღ


ღ當他/她出事の時候 你會比誰都著急ღ


ღ你會包容她/他所有の缺點 在你眼裡他/她永遠是最完美のღ


ღ當你想起她/她做出可愛 浪漫の事時 會不知覺の傻笑ღ

★覺得好甜蜜 好甜蜜★

ღ你體會到了嗎 如果沒有就放棄 重新開始吧 祝福你ღ

From hotmail[lovez]


人生中有许多种 .


你怕不怕付出 ,
你会不会选择执迷不悟 ,

From hotmail [lovez]

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fear, Filial, Spirit
Joy,Hurt, Hardship,Life,With,Fear,Filial acts,And Spirits,Completing life

What we have is , Enough...

Continue where i stopped last night.
i said that it was very HOT but i still wear kuan ming's jacket [damn nice]. Jason put fire crackers n stuff. Ming wei, Llyan and Rui wen also went but just for a while.i manage to take a few pics with them .
Thats all , lovez [kyeann]

me n kuan ming

me, ming n lyan

me wearing kuan ming's jaket[damn nice]

me n sandy
Just come bak from dick ming's hse. Damn lot ppl ad damn HOT .We all gamble and take pics n more gamble n more take pics.ahah

Caryn and wan ching wear damn nice n hot,xiao hui n jia yi wear damn cute , onli me wear the most normal...and vincent wear like just come back from taekwondo lessons [true]


cousins together [20 of them]

wooh....gonna post my pics adi....


this pic is taken when lining up to take angpau from grandma

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today, we went for volleyball practise at MPSJ. But when we went there, we realize that the senoirs where there training. So we had to use the netball court.but after playing for half an hour, me ,amelia, hao,han ,chern yuan and a new form 1 guy[dunno the name] went running at the court.
We run about 5-7 rounds ba?After running for 4 round , me han ,chern yuan n hao all lembik adi, so we all were walking and listening to songs[ben's phone]. We were all hungry ,but i brought choc milk and chern yuan bring apple[damn big].

Vhern yuan and hao share the apple.After eating finish the big apple, han recieved a massage that today is chee kai voon's b'day.So, we wanted to splash him but they dint,so we decided to go for Mc.d .But my mom wont let me go[ not fair]. They all waited with me while i was waiting for my parents.They were opposite the road and the shouted.'Bye Bye Mei Shun' It was so embrassing, but very touching[reali]. hahha

Thats all for today[lovez]

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

need to learn
need to learn how to love and be loved
also need to know hoe to care and be cared
just need to know how to be protected

From KYEANN [lovez]
What My Heart Tells Me
Is that there is no one else on earth
Who can make me fee the way you do
From the first day that we met
You made me forget all my tears
And you have shown me that God really does
Have one special heart for each of us to find
You are the ne God has guided me to
What My Heart Tells Me
Is that i can never love anymore
As much as i love and care for you
And how my feelings grow stronger each day
I can't imagine not being able to hold you
I want to share my life with you for the reest of forever
You make me the person I have always hoped to be
What My Heart Tells Me
Is that God proveided me with your Loving heart
And i will do everything within my power
To provide the best for you each and everyday
Everytime i see you walk into a room
My heart will never fails to beat faster and stronger
This is how i know you are the one for me
For the rest of the time the Lord gives me
I give you my heart and for you i will do
What My Heart Tells Me

From HAN[lovez]

From KYEANN[lovez]
Where were you,
When ,
i needed you
i wanted you
i miss you now
i realized that i LOVE you
my angel don't wanna protect me anymore
Where were you..??

From KYEANN [lovez]
Can somebody just take me away
So that i will never see you again
Because seeing you
Will make me remember how much
i LOVED you
But the love that i give is not taken or given back

From KYEANN[lovez]
思念 ,从你离开后 ,
你知不知 道 COLOUR
思念的颜色 ,很纯很纯
你知不知道 FORM
思念的形状 ,很绵很绵
你知不知道 TASTE
你知不知道 FEEL

From 天使23号街[lovez]
In the corner of Angel Street
Paradise of dreams forever
You have to let yourself,
and you past
In order to go to the future
I will always LOVE you
No matter what

From JENN[lovez]
I leave not because i HATE you
I leave because i LOVE you

No matter how sweet
Can the candy be
Without you ,
The sweetness will just
Be more bitter than
Losing you in my life

From JENN[lovez]
Yesterday morning,was 1st da training for taekwondo. Me ,Jia yi,Benjamin and Hao like siao adi.. keep on laugh and play while training .Me n Benjamin keep on change the uniform.then kena
scold by coach.Hehhe..

Monday, February 2, 2009

Yesterday night at my house ,had a prayers, nearly 45 ppl were at my house..every place were packed. [omg]. Me n my cousin took ictures while we were preparing for the prayers.

My uncle bought the Kong Ming Teng, so we wrote our wishes on it...and it flew soo high
after the ceremony, it was nearly 12.30 adi so me n rr ust clean up the house n stuff. when were done its 1.30 adi. and the worst is STILL NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL LATER...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

i am new in blogging.. i made this blog is just to express my feeling .

the new year just finish . so skul is gonna start again.[thats bad]